If you want brotherhood, it should be with every creature on this planet. If it is limited to certain people, it is the beginning of tyranny.
If you want brotherhood, it should be with every creature on this planet. If it is limited to certain people, it is the beginning of tyranny.
Conscious action does not produce karma – instinctive reaction does.
有意识的行动不会制造Karma (业) —— 本能的反应会。
Makara Sankranti marks the first step of Mother Earth toward springtime. May you also step into a season of growth and blossoming within you.
Makara Sankranti(桑格拉提节)标志着地球母亲迈向春天的第一步。愿你也步入一个内在成长与绽放的季节。
Today is a day to clear your home, your mind, and your emotions from all that is not useful to you, all that impedes your experience of life, and have a fresh start.
今天是一个大扫除的日子 ——把所有对你没有益处的东西,所有阻碍你生命体验的东西,从你的家、你的头脑和你的情感中都清理干净,拥有一个全新的开始。
Energy is useful only if you can direct it the way you want. That is when a human being naturally transforms into a spiritual possibility.
Youth is life in the making. Being youthful means being willing to look inward, seek answers, and create your life the way you want it.
Food is not just nourishment – it is something that makes your life. We need to treat it with utmost love and reverence.
Optimists hallucinate; pessimists get depressed. Both will not get anywhere. You must be willing and able to see everything the way it is.
The moment any sensitive human being misuses something, it will bother them from within. Sensitivity is proportional to one’s sense of Inclusion.
It does not matter how others label you. If you wish, you can change the structure of your mind.
All through life, your physical body will age. But your energy body need not age – you can keep it like it was just born.
Whatever life throws at you, if you learn to shake it off and stand on it, you can make it a basis of your growth, maturity, and wellbeing.
In nature, everything is living and giving itself to the maximum extent. Only human beings are trying to save – their joy, their love, their Peace – to rest in Peace.
Your entire life is a Virtual Reality because you are seeing it only the way it happens in your mind.
Someone says something nasty because something nasty is happening within them.