If you are willing to do some very intense and focused Sadhana, we can rewire your brain completely.
If you are willing to do some very intense and focused Sadhana, we can rewire your brain completely.
To be joyful is the best thing you can do for yourself and all around you. Joyful human beings naturally strive to create wellbeing for everyone.
May you know the fulfillment of making all you touch joyful.
Love & Blessings
Spiritual process means moving towards your liberation. No matter what the nature of your past or present is, there is a doorway for All.
I do not form opinions about anyone. Only if it is necessary, I make a judgment for a particular action. Opinions restrain your intelligence and divide the world.
As a human being, you have the privilege of being able to do everything consciously. In exercising this choice is the solution for all human ills.
Right now, in the northern hemisphere of the planet, inertia is at its highest. To keep it from creeping in and slowing down your body and mind, make sure to stay active.
Gossip is a sign of misalignment. If you are aligned with people, you do not gossip about them. You have a choice: you can either gossip about everyone, or you can become an embodiment of love.
You should know how to carry your memories like a bag in your hand. They are not the essence of your life – they are something that you have accumulated over time.
Christmas has become a symbol of love and light. Around this time, a new cycle of the life-giving Sun begins. May the light of love shine brightly within you.
Love & Blessings
Without constant exchange with the rest of the cosmos, you cannot exist. The idea of individuality is an illusion.
Confusion is better than stupid conclusions. Confusion at least brings humility. Conclusions bring arrogance.
With the winter solstice, we are transitioning into Uttarayana, the time of the year for receptivity, enlightenment, and attainment of Grace.
If you are joyful by your own nature, you do not have to prove you are better than anyone else. You are fine the way you are.
That which is limitless can only be approached those who are Truthful within themselves.
It is in the hands of us human beings to either bring disaster upon ourselves, or realization and transformation. This is why the Conscious Planet movement becomes super significant.