Regardless of who or what you are, there is something within every Human Being that always wants to be more than what you are right now.
无论你是谁,或者说你是怎样的人,每个人内在都有某样东西始终想比现在的你更多。 -
Once your relationships are about sharing your Joy, rather than extracting Joy out of someone else, you will have wonderful relationships with anyone.
当你的关系是为了分享快乐,而不是从别人身上榨取快乐时,你就会和任何人都有美妙的关系。 -
每日智慧,9月14日 (今天是新月日)
If you are inclusive, Life happens. If you are exclusive, only your psychological drama happens.
如果你是涵容的,生命得以发生。如果你是排他的,发生的只有你的内心戏。 -
You can create a million lies, but there is only one Truth.
你可以编造一百万个谎言,但真实只有一个。 -
Yogic practices are like food. Food only works for those who eat it. Yogic practices only work for those who do it.
瑜伽练习就像食物。食物只对吃它的人起作用。瑜伽练习只对练习者起作用。 -
For the kind of Potential that a Human Being carries, it is a very brief Life.
相对于一个人所具备的潜能来说,这是非常短暂的一生。 -
每日智慧,9月10日 (今天是断食日)
Grace is subtle. Unless you are alert, you will miss it.
恩典是不易察觉的。除非你是警觉的,否则就会错过。 -
If you carry yesterday with you, your today becomes very heavy – you can neither float nor fly.
如果你背负着昨天,你的今天就会变得非常沉重——你既无法漂浮也无法飞翔。 -
This is what Yoga means: a conscious obliteration of your individual boundaries so that you become a Universal Existence.
这就是瑜伽的意思:有意识地消除你个体性的边界,从而成为一个宇宙性的存在。 -
If you are Balanced, you are on board with Life.
如果你是平衡的,你就在与生命结伴同行。 -
The essence of Krishna is in his unwavering Exuberance. In love, in war, in all kinds of strife, he remains a Joyful Human Being. This is how Life should be lived.
克里希那的本质在于他坚定不移的的活力。在爱中,在战争中,在各类冲突中,他始终是一个喜悦的人。生命就该这样度过。 -
Whether you can perform like someone else or not is not the point. The question is, are you exploring the full depth of your Potential.
你是否能像别人一样表现不是重点。问题在于,你是否在挖掘自己全部的潜力。 -
Diversity is a Strength. It has arisen in this culture out of richness, not out of divide.
多样性是一种力量。在这个文化中,它的出现是出于丰富性,而非分裂。 -
A River is a Life beyond you and me. All of us have a date of birth and a date on which we perish. But the Rivers, no one knows what their date of birth is, and there should never be a date of demise for them. Let this be our commitment, for now and for the future.
河流是超越你我的一种生命。我们所有人都有出生之日,也有死亡之日。但是河流,无人知晓它们的诞生之日,而它们也永远不该有消亡之日。让我们对此承诺,为了现在,为了未来。 -
Your Karma is not in what is happening to you. Your Karma is in the way you Experience and Respond to what is happening to you.