
  • 每日智慧,4月3日

    The Spiritual Process is like the Life Process – a seamless happening. Boundaries are the making of the human mind and other creatures of your kind.

    3 4 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,4月2日

    As a Human Being, you do not have to let situations define you – you can choose to Create the situations you want.

    3 4 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,4月1日

    When someone else calls you a fool, it is an insult. When you realize you are a fool, it means you have become smart enough to know that.

    3 4 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月31日

    Essentially, every Experience in Life is a matter of Perception. The level of your Perception determines the level of your Experience.

    1 4 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月30日

    Rama is not worshiped because his life was perfect; what makes him a superstar is how he responded to given situations in the best possible way.

    30 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月29日

    Once you touch the non-physical, there is a Sense of Limitlessness to who you are. It is my Wish and my Blessing that each one of you experiences this.

    29 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月28日

    Consciousness is not something that descends upon us; it is something we must strive for.

    28 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月27日

    If we hold Life as our highest value, we will naturally include and accept every Human Being.

    27 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月26日

    If you shift from unwillingness to Willingness, from inertia to Effervescence, your life will be Joyful and Effortless. And one day, when you look back, you will see you have lived a Spectacular Life.

    26 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月25日

    Most people are trapped in limitations of their own making, not realizing they have locked themselves in.

    25 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月24日

    The more Clarity arises, the more Ease and Exuberance will come.

    24 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月23日

    Sadhana is about transforming your Body and Mind from barriers into bridges for Growth and Enlightenment.

    23 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月22日

    The significance of Water is phenomenal. People are looking at it as a commodity today, but actually, it is the most essential Life-Making Substance.

    22 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月21日 (今天是新月日)

    Forests are such rich and diverse ecosystems; there is no substitute for them. We must protect what is there and bring other Land Under Shade to whatever extent possible.

    21 3 月, 2023
  • 每日智慧,3月20日

    The Nature of Happiness is such that if you keep chasing it, it will only move further away. It is time to stop and Look Inward, as every experience happens within you, not outside of you.

    20 3 月, 2023