Youthfulness is about how vibrantly alive you are, not as to when you were born.
年轻是关于你活得多有活力,而不是关于你何时出生。 -
A river is a life much larger than we are. People like you and me come and go, but our rivers must stay alive for always.
河流是比我们大得多的生命。像你我这样的人们来了又去,但我们的河流必须永远活着。 -
Your very body is Earth. Let us walk gently and sensibly upon this planet.
你的身体就是土壤。让我们温柔和理智地走在这个星球上。 -
If you explore the immense possibilities of being human, you will realize you do not have to be a superhuman. Being human itself is super.
如果你探索了做人的巨大可能性,你就会意识到你不必做超人。做人本身就是超级棒的。 -
Ganesha is the very symbol of exalted intelligence. The most intelligent way to exist is to be one with everything, to be in unity, to be in Yoga.
Ganesha 是崇高智慧的象征。最有智慧的存在方式是与万物合一,处于合一中,处于瑜伽中。 -
It is important that you live strong. Living strong does not mean showing your muscles. It means your level of experience is intense and enormous.
你要活得强大,这很重要。活得强大不意味着展示你的肌肉。它意味着你体验的程度是强烈而宏大的。 -
However dear something may be to you, including your own body and life, you must know how to let it go gracefully when the time comes.
无论某个东西对你来说可能有多珍贵,包括你自己的身体和生命,你都必须知道如何在时候到来时让它优雅地离去。 -
Once you experience all life forms as part of yourself, no one has to tell you to conserve nature. Anyway, you will take care.
一旦你把所有生命形式都体验为你自己的一部分,就没有人需要告诉你保护自然。无论如何,你都会去照顾。 -
Whatever you do or give without love in your heart, it just amounts to labor.
无论你做什么或给予什么,如果你心中没有爱,那就只等同于劳苦。 -
Your body should feel like breeze. Only then are you really healthy.
你的身体应该感觉像微风。只有这时你才真正健康。 -
The only way to get in touch with reality is to pay attention without making conclusions.
接触现实的唯一方法是投入关注而不下结论。 -
Do not worry about setting goals for yourself – just see how to constantly grow. All that is needed is relentless striving to be a full-fledged life.
无需操心为你自己设定目标——只需看看如何不断成长。所需要的只是不懈努力成为一个完全成熟的生命。 -
Karma means ultimate responsibility. You even take responsibility for your very Birth and Death.
Karma(业)意味着终极的责任。你甚至对你的出生和死亡负责。 -
There are many useful and beautiful things human beings can design. But the greatest form of design is if you become the designer of your own life.
人类能够设计出许多有用和美丽的东西。但最伟大的设计形式是你成为你自己生命的设计师。 -
Every other creature on the planet is eco-friendly. Only we human beings need to learn to live consciously.