We must create a conscious life as individuals and a conscious planet as a generation.
作为个人,我们必须创造一个有意识的生命,作为一代人,我们必须创造一个有意识的星球。 -
Life is not in your activity. Life is within you. The question is only how intensely is it happening.
生命不在你的活动中。生命在你之内。问题只在于它以怎样的强度发生。 -
Success is not about being better than someone else. Success is about fulfilling the intent behind your action.
成功不是要比别人好。成功是要实现你行动背后的意向。 -
We are behaving as if we are the last generation on this planet. If we value life and the lives of future generations, we have to take care of our Soil and Water.
我们表现得好像我们是这个星球上的最后一代人。如果我们重视生命和子孙后代的生命,我们就必须照顾好我们的土壤和水。 -
Finding joy within and giving joy to everyone around you is the foundation that is needed for ultimate wellbeing.
找到内在的快乐,并给你周围的每个人带来快乐,这是终极幸福所需的基础。 -
The geometry, beauty, and magnificent nature of existence is such that if you align yourself, the whole cosmos responds to you.
几何、美、和存在的宏伟属性是这样的,如果你校准自己,整个宇宙都会回应你。 -
When you see and use life and life-making material as commodities, you will pay the price.
当你把生命和创造生命的材料当作商品看待和使用时,你会付出代价。 -
Love is a longing to include someone as a part of yourself. It is a possibility to become more than what you are by inclusion.
爱是一种渴望,去包容别人成为你的一部分。它是一种可能性,通过包容而超越你自己。 -
Most of the time, you are thinking about life, not living life, not allowing the life energies to function to their fullest exuberance.
大多数时候,你都是在思考生命,而不是在活出生命,没有让生命的能量发挥出最大活力。 -
Whatever is most needed right now is what we should do in the world.
现在最需要什么,就是我们在这个世界上应该做的。 -
What is most needed right now is to evolve human consciousness. Without that, science, technology, development, everything will go waste.
现在最需要的是进化人类的意识。没有这个,科学、技术、发展,一切都会白费。 -
As creation made you, you are a complete life. You do not need any accessories to be complete.
正如造物造就了你,你是一个完整的生命。你不需要任何附加之物来变得完整。 -
When you are Joyful, you are not in conflict with anyone, and you do the most wonderful things.
当你快乐时,你和任何人都没有冲突,你也会做最美好的事情。 -
If you pay enough attention, you will know the tune of creation, and you will naturally find your own rhythm.
如果你足够留心,你就会知道创造的曲调,你会自然而然找到你自己的节奏。 -
It is time we choose quality over quantity in our lives, in every sense. Only then can we save the planet.