Being in truth means to be simply yourself. Self is not what you make up but what you are.
处于真实之中意味着做纯粹的你自己,自己不是你所制造的,而是你所是的。 -
Our presence here is just for a brief period of time. We do not have to further shorten it by fighting each other.
我们在这里的存在只是很短暂的时间。我们不必通过相互争斗来进一步缩短它。 -
If you can make everything you do a conscious process, you will live an absolutely Blessed Life.
如果你能让你所做的每件事都成为一个有意识的过程,你将过上一种备受祝福的生活。 -
Lovers and devotees must be allowed a certain margin. Otherwise, just hard logic will kill both love and devotion.
恋人和奉献者们必须被容许拥有某些余地,否则,只是硬邦邦的逻辑会扼杀爱与奉献。 -
May you be able to explore your life in its totality, with utmost joy and vigor. For this, above all, you need Balance.
愿你能以最大的快乐和活力去探索你生命的全部。为此,首先,你需要平衡。 -
This year, may all of us have the Courage,Commitment,and the Consciousness to make better Humans of ourselves, and, in turn, a better world.
今年,但愿我们所有人都有勇气、决心和意识去让自己成为更好的人,从而创造一个更好的世界。 -
Do not make life decisions based on immediate compulsions. Looking back after many years, it should still be a worthwhile choice. Do not make life decisions based on immediate compulsions. Looking back after many years, it should still be a worthwhile choice.
不要在即刻的冲动下作出人生决定。当多年后回顾时,这应该仍然是个值得的选择。 -
If you try to squeeze joy out of people, only pain will come.
如果你试图从人们身上榨取快乐,便只有痛苦会到来。 -
When you really understand you are just a speck of life in a limitless cosmos, you will naturally bow down to everything.
当你真正明白自己只是无限宇宙中的一颗生命微粒时,你自然会向一切臣服。 -
It takes all kinds of people to make the world beautiful. You can do it too.
要有各种各样的人才能让世界美丽。你也能做到。 -
A consecrated space experientially reminds you that there is much more to life than you think.
一个圣化的空间从经验上提醒你,生命中有比你认为的多得多的东西。 -
What you do is not the point. It is the level of involvement within you that transforms you.
你做什么不是重点。是你内在的参与程度转化了你。 -
The birth of one being can change the world when the divine potential finds expression. May you know the Divine. Best wishes for a joyful Christmas,
当神性的潜能得到表达,一个人的诞生可以改变世界。愿你了知神性。送上最好的祝福,圣诞快乐。 -
My whole life is devoted to every human being, every creature on the planet. Devotion is just a love affair gone crazy.
我的整个生命都献给了地球上的每一个人、每个生物。奉献就是一场疯狂的恋爱。 -
Agriculture can only thrive on rich soil – there is simply no other way. Regeneration of Soil is Invigoration of Life.