The more human intellect blossoms, the less room there will be for belief systems.
人类的智力越绽放,给信仰体系的空间就越小。 -
When you are able to create yourself the way you want, you can create your life the way you want as well.
当你能以你想要的方式创造你自己时,你也能以你想要的方式创造你的生命。 -
Being in touch with the earth is a reminder that your body is just that – earth. Never forget this.
与土地接触是一种提醒,即你的身体就只是—— 泥土。永远别忘记这一点。 -
Integrity means that there is coherence between what you say, what you do, what you think, and how you feel about life around you.
正直意味着在你所说的、你所做的、你所想的、和你对周围生命的感受之间有一种一致性。 -
Whether it is your body, your mind, or your life energies ‒ the more you use them, the better they get.
无论是你的身体、你的头脑、还是你的生命能量——你越多地使用它们,它们就会变得越好。 -
It does not matter what the stars say. Once you have come here as human being, you are supposed to be the Master of your life.
星星怎么说不重要。一旦你作为人来到这里,你就应该是你生命的主人。 -
Unless our idea of wellbeing includes every life on the planet, we cannot call ourselves Human.
除非我们对幸福的理念涵括地球上的每一个生命,否则我们不能自称为人类。 -
To go through life effortlessly, children need an atmosphere that nurtures inner strength.
要想轻松地经历生命,孩子们需要一种滋养内在力量的氛围。 -
Lethargy comes from overconsumption of either food or thought.
嗜睡源于食物或思想的过度消费。 -
Your life and how you experience it is entirely your making. Only if this absolutely sinks in, will you become a genuine seeker.
你的生命以及你如何体验它,完全是你自己造就的。只有当这一点完全深入你内在,你才会成为一个真正的探求者。 -
People who logically examine their relationships cannot sustain them. Two bodies, two minds, two emotions can never fit perfectly. Magic of being together can never be contained in logic.
从逻辑上审视自己人际关系的人无法维持关系。两个身体、两个头脑、两种情感永远无法完美契合。在一起的魔力永远无法涵括在逻辑之内。 -
Mountains have always been an inspiration for seekers of all sorts. The Peak signifies fulfillment. May you know the Peak of your Being.
山一直是各类探寻者的灵感。巅峰表示圆满。愿你知晓你存在的巅峰。 -
When you go to an Indian temple, it is to behold an energy form. You want to take an imprint of the Divine within yourself – Darshan.
当你去印度寺庙时,那是要去看一种能量形态。你想在自己内在留下神圣的印记——Darshan。 -
For a committed person, there is no such thing as failure – just lessons to be learned on the way.
对于一个有决心的人来说,没有失败这回事——只有一路上需要吸取的教训。 -
Loosen up a bit – laugh more, get involved with people around you, do simple things. If you only do very important things, you will become dead serious.