If you enhance yourself sufficiently, whatever activity comes your way will be child’s play for you.
如果你充分提升了自己,无论什么活动来到你这里,对你来说就都是儿童的玩乐。 -
Spirituality does not mean looking up or down – it means looking at your life in the most profound way.
灵性不意味着向上还是向下看——它意味着以最深刻的方式去看你的生命。 -
No matter how much wealth, education, and money we have, our children cannot live well unless we restore the soil and water. Conscious Planet, the only way forward.
除非我们重建土壤和水,否则无论我们拥有多少财富、教育和金钱,我们的孩子都不能过上好的生活。有意识的星球,唯一的前进之路。 -
Dhyanalinga is not about worship – needs to be experienced. It is a doorway to the unlimited nature of existence.
迪阿纳灵伽并非关于崇拜——而是需要被体验。 它是通向存在的无限本质的大门。 -
As long as you are locked up in your own logic, the magic of life will not reveal itself to you.
只要你被禁锢在自己的逻辑里,生命的魔力就不会向你显现。 -
This is what yogic practices are about – to bring your energies to a place where they are lit and balanced.
这就是瑜珈练习所要做的——把你的能量带到一个它们被点燃和平衡的地方。 -
Our passions can turn into poison if we become resentful when they are not being fulfilled.
如果我们在激情得不到满足时变得怨恨,我们的激情可以变成毒药。 -
Anything you do willingly can become a great pleasure and a process of growth for you.
每一件你欣然所做的事情都可以成为你的一大乐趣和成长过程。 -
We have created education systems that are more like correctional centers, unfortunately. Children do not need to be corrected – they need to be nourished into greater possibilities.
不幸的是,我们建立了更像惩教中心的教育体系。 孩子们不需要被纠正——他们需要被抚育成更大的可能性。 -
There is no need to do what others are doing. You must do what truly matters to you as a life.
没有必要做别人正在做的事情。 作为一个生命,你必须做对你真正重要之事。 -
Guilt is a socially cultivated emotion, a poison directed towards yourself, a way of enslaving you by vested interests.
内疚是一种社会培养的情感,一种针对你自己的毒药,一种被既得利益奴役的方式。 -
The greatest contribution to the world is to be at the peak of wellbeing. Then what you do will also be truly wonderful.
对世界最大的贡献就是处于幸福的顶峰。这时你所做的也将是真正美妙的。 -
Humanity has gained immense knowledge and capability because of science and technologies. But are we using it for our wellbeing? Without creating conscious humans and a Conscious Planet, all this will spell disaster.
人类因为科学技术而获得了巨大的知识和能力。但我们是为我们的福祉在使用它吗?如果不创造有意识的人类和有意识的星球,这一切都将意味着灾难。 -
I do not understand why people want to control their minds. I want to liberate their minds.
我不明白人们为什么要控制他们的头脑。我想要解放他们的头脑。 -
Hardship can be a great opportunity for you to build a deep level of strength and wellbeing. Mental hardship is your making – you must stop that.