The best way to approach Navratri is in a spirit of celebration. This is the secret of life: to be non-serious but absolutely involved.
对待Navratri(九夜节)的最好方式是以庆祝的精神。这就是生命的秘密:不较真但绝对投入。 -
If your happiness depends upon what is happening outside of you, you will always be a slave to the external situation.
如果你的幸福取决于在你之外发生的事情,你将永远是外部情形的奴隶。 -
每日智慧,10月5日(今天是Mahalaya Amavasya新月日)
Today is a day to express our gratitude to our ancestors, who have contributed to our lives in immeasurable ways.
今天是表达我们对祖先的感激之情的日子──他们以不可估量的方式为我们的生命作出了贡献。 -
Only if you are in touch with the innermost core of who you are, will you live a complete life.
只有当你触及“你是谁”的最内在核心时,你才能活出完整的生命。 -
The further we move away from Nature, the further we move away from our own Nature too.
我们越是远离大自然,我们也就越远离自己的本性。 -
Mahatma means a Great Being. One becomes a great being only when one functions as a life beyond all identities.
Mahatma意指一个伟大的存在。只有当一个人作为一个超越所有身份的生命在运作时,他才会成为一个伟大的存在。 -
Once you are meditative, the lilt of music will naturally be a part of your life. Everything is vibration – everything is sound.
一旦你处于冥想状态,音乐的韵律会自然地成为你生命的一部分 —— 一切都是振动,一切都是声音。 -
As long as you think someone else is responsible for the way you are, you cannot become the way you want to be.
只要你认为别人要对你的现状负责,你就不能成为你想成为的样子。 -
Never look up to anyone – never look down on anyone. When you see everything as it is, you will navigate through life effortlessly.
不要仰视任何人,也不要轻视任何人。当你如其所是地看到一切时,你会毫不费力地渡过人生。 -
If you know how to be at ease within yourself, every situation is an opportunity.
如果你知道如何在自己内在保持轻松自在,那么每个情形都是一个机会。 -
Whatever you may do in your life, do it well.
无论你在你的人生中可能做什么,都把它做好。 -
Not only trees – a variety of vegetation is necessary for rivers to flow. Before we fall dead, we must make this happen. Cauvery Calling.
不仅仅是树木──多样化的植被是河流流动所必需的。在我们死之前,我们必须让这发生。高韦里河的呼救。 -
Do not underestimate negative relationships. You have a deep bond with those you hate, fear, or envy. Time to dissolve that.
不要低估消极的关系。你与那些你仇恨、害怕和嫉妒的人有着深深的联结。是时候消融它们了。 -
Once you learn to function at the peak of consciousness, everything will become a play.
一旦你学会在意识的巅峰状态下运作,每件事都会变成一个游戏。 -
Enlightenment means dissolving your limited personality. No persona means a limitless Presence.