
  • 每日智慧,6月22日

    If you take your individuality too seriously, conflict is a natural outcome.

    22 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月21日

    The sole carrier in this pandemic is the human being. If we as human beings become conscious and bring Yoga into everyone’s life, stopping the pandemic in its tracks is very much in our hands.

    21 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月20日(明天是断食日)

    Being a Father means being a worthy Example.

    20 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月19日

    If your humanity is dead, you need a lot of morality. If your humanity is alive and overflowing, you will naturally do the best for yourself and everyone around you.

    19 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月18日

    Lifestyle is a consequence of the times we live in – life is the real thing.

    18 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月17日

    The purpose of spiritual practices is to demolish the structures of limited experience and facilitate a Universal Possibility within the Individual.

    17 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月16日

    No matter how many things you gather in life, there is no container service in the end. Time to move from accumulation to true enhancement of life.

    16 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月15日

    Constantly seek that which you know to be the highest. Living with the vision is an elevating experience and a joyous process in itself.

    15 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月14日

    Only if you make yourself available to it, can grace do something that you yourself could never do.

    15 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月13日

    If you do not do what you cannot do, it is all right. But if you do not do what you can do, your life is a tragedy.

    13 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月12日

    When every activity you perform becomes an offering, then karma cannot bind you.

    12 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月11日

    When you have utter clarity about where you are at right now, the next level of experience will reveal itself to you.

    11 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月10日(今天是新月日)

    Now is the time to show your responsibility and commitment to all life, including your own.

    10 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月9日

    Your meditation is not only about you. If you become truly meditative, without knowing why, everything around you will become peaceful.

    9 6 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,6月8日

    In keeping Oceans Alive and uncontaminated is the future of Humanity.

    8 6 月, 2021