
  • 每日智慧,5月23日

    People are successful not necessarily because they work hard. They just do it the way it works.

    23 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月22日

    What is past cannot be fixed. What is now can only be experienced. What is next can be created.

    22 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月21日(明天是断食日)

    The thought process is an intermittent activity – Consciousness is always On.

    21 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月20日

    Once your experience of being alive is profound, everything you do becomes profound.

    20 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月19日

    The basis of Yoga is this: to be absolutely intense and relaxed at the same time.

    19 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月18日

    Wherever we are, we must do whatever we can. This is the time to show the strength of our humanity.

    18 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月17日

    Silence is a space beyond creation and Creator, beyond life and death. As you practice silence, you shall become Silence.

    17 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月16日

    The search for truth means to see how to live in such a way that we are absolutely in truth – in our way of being, thinking, feeling, and in the activities we perform.

    17 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月15日

    The significance of Adiyogi is he provided methods to evolve human consciousness that are relevant for all times.

    15 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月14日

    If you use your activity to entangle yourself – that is called karma. If you use the same activity to liberate yourself – that is called Dharma.

    14 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月13日

    Once you understand that your time here is limited, you will live sensibly.

    13 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月12日

    If you live in suspicion, always thinking everyone is out to get you, you will only do very small things in life. Trust is very important.

    12 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月11日(今天是新月日)

    Southern Indian music, dance, and art come from the temples. Devotion is the basis of all these Arts.

    11 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月10日

    You should not be better or worse than anyone else. You must be the best that you can be – that is all.

    10 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月9日

    My mother set the ambience for me, without which I would not be what I am. Motherhood is not of biology but of unconditional Inclusion.

    9 5 月, 2021