
  • 每日智慧,5月8日

    This is the most profound question in life: ‘What is the nature of my existence?’

    8 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月7日(今天是断食日)

    Essentially, karma means moving life from compulsive reaction to conscious action.

    7 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月6日

    This is a time for every human being to build yourself into a higher possibility. Upgrade yourself in competence, thought, emotion, joy, peace, and experience of life.

    7 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月5日

    When someone else can determine whether you are happy or unhappy, is it not the worst kind of slavery?

    6 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月4日

    You must be playing your mind – your mind should not be playing you.

    4 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月3日

    In maintaining distance from your thought and emotion, you can become available to the grace of the greatest beings.

    3 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月2日

    One who cannot laugh, cannot meditate. Laughter is a certain exuberance of your energy. Meditation is ultimate exuberance of your energy without physical action.

    2 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,5月1日

    If your work is about creating something that you truly care for, there is no need to balance work and life – life is work and work is life.

    1 5 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月30日

    What is happening within you and how you experience your life is entirely your making – your karma.

    30 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月29日

    Dance is an outpouring of the exuberance of one’s life energies.

    29 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月28日

    The more security you seek, the more disturbed you will be about every change that happens in your life.

    28 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月27日

    If you bring perfect order into everything, it will make life very easy, but the spark in life will be gone.

    27 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月26日

    Essentially, the full Moon is about getting intoxicated on life. Whether you concoct an ecstatic, gloomy, fearful, or meditative concoction is up to you.

    27 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月25日

    In equanimity, every cell in your body will generate sweetness.

    25 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月24日

    The mind is an endless game. You should not play it all the time.

    24 4 月, 2021