
  • 每日智慧,4月8日

    Karma is about shifting responsibility from heaven to yourself. In this, you become the very maker of your own destiny.

    8 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月7日(今天是断食日)

    Health is your responsibility. Creating health is about revitalizing your body, mind, emotions, and life energies to a higher level of functioning.

    7 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月6日

    People are dedicated to their lifestyle, not to their life. Once you are dedicated to your lifestyle, you get enslaved to how much you earn.

    6 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月5日

    Staying young means being willing to learn, evolve, and be open to life.

    4 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月4日

    A seed that does not sprout is as good as a pebble. For the divine seed that you are to flourish, you have to open up.

    4 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月3日

    The moment you disidentify yourself from everything, the mind will become still.

    3 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月2日

    Once you free yourself from the meanness of the mind, an indiscriminate sense of love and inclusion arises.

    2 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,4月1日

    If you learn to laugh at your own stupidity, all your rubbish will turn into manure very fast. And manure is good for growth.

    1 4 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月31日

    Spirituality does not mean becoming barren. Only a person who is full of life and joy can be truly free.

    31 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月30日

    Death is never dangerous. Once death happens, all danger ceases.

    30 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月29日

    If you break the shell of your personality, you will simply be presence – as life is, as the Divine is, just a Presence.

    29 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月27日

    Once you go beyond the compulsive, cyclical nature of existence, life becomes spectacular.

    27 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月26日

    Your mind is like a fireball. If you harness it, it can become like the sun.

    26 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月25日

    The very nature of existence is a seamless coexistence. That should be the model for building any society.

    25 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月24日(今天是断食日)

    In the name of religion, people have lost their vision – because they believe something blindly.

    24 3 月, 2021