Do not worry about your future. Do your present well, and the future will blossom.
不要担忧你的未来。做好你的现在,未来自会绽放。 -
Water is not a commodity – water is life. If we destroy our water sources, we destroy future generations right now.
水不是商品——水是生命。如果我们破坏了我们的水源,我们就是在现在毁灭了子孙后代。 -
If you spend time in the forest, you will realize that you are just one more life. It is a huge spiritual step to feel for life around you the way you feel about yourself.
如果你花时间在森林里,你会认识到你不过是另一个生命。像感受你自己那样去感受你周围的生命,这是灵性上迈出的巨大一步。 -
Karma means to take charge of your life. By making your karma a more conscious process, you become the master of your own destiny.
Karma(业力)的意思是掌管你的生命。通过让你的Karma成为一个更有意识的过程,你成为自己命运的主人。 -
If you drop this calculation ‘What can I get?’ in your life, you will become boundless and absolutely compassionate.
如果你在生命中放下“我能得到什么?”这个算计,你将变得无限和绝对的慈悲。 -
Your life works to the extent that you make yourself capable, are responsible, and enhance the possibility of who you are.
你在多大程度上让自己有能力、负责任、并提升”你是谁”的可能性,你的生命就在那个程度上起作用。 -
The intellect, which is based on memory, is a wonderful tool. However, it can only inform – it cannot transform.
基于记忆的智力,是一个美妙的工具。然而,它只能转告——它不能转化。 -
For someone who listens to the wholeness of existence, everything is music.
对于一个聆听整个存在的人来说,一切都是音乐。 -
To be in Yoga means to experience the oneness of existence.
处于瑜伽之中意味着体验到存在的合一。 -
How successful you are essentially depends on how well you can use your body and mind.
你有多成功,本质上取决于你能多好地使用你的身体和头脑。 -
Fear is a consequence of being unconscious. Being fearful does not save us. Only by being conscious, can we manage the situations.
恐惧是无意识的结果。恐惧拯救不了我们。只有保持有意识,我们才能掌控情境。 -
Only in transcendence can there be transformation. When you keep rising from where you are right now, one day, you will be profoundly transformed.
只有在超越中才有转化。当你从现在所处的位置不断提升,终有一天,你会得到深刻的转化。 -
Mahashivratri is the great night of Shiva. If you maintain wakefulness and some sense of awareness on this sacred night, it shall bring tremendous wellbeing to your life.
Mahashivratri是Shiva(第一位瑜伽士)的伟大之夜。如果你在这个神圣的夜晚保持清醒和某种觉知,它会给你的生命带来巨大的幸福。 -
Do not think your money, relationships, or family is an insurance. The only insurance you have is to know how to keep yourself well on all levels. That is Yoga.
不要以为你的金钱、关系或家庭是一种保障。你拥有的唯一保障是知道如何让自己在所有层面上保持良好状态。这就是瑜伽。 -
For me, life is not about what you do. It is all about how you do it.