
  • 每日智慧,3月8日(明天是断食日)

    Feminine is not a gender – it is a dimension.

    8 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月7日

    If you are looking for solace, belief systems are fine. But if you are looking for a solution, you have to seek.

    7 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月6日

    The fundamental nature of jealousy and envy is a feeling of inadequacy. If you were really blissful, you would not be envious of anyone.

    6 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月5日

    Whether it is easy or hard, never lose your focus as to where you want to go.

    5 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月4日

    People care for their own little pleasure more than for everyone’s wellbeing. That is what we have to change in the world.

    4 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月3日

    Life is not a drama that is happening around you. Life is that fundamental dimension that is You.

    3 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月2日

    Being a seeker of truth means refusing to make assumptions about things that you do not know.

    2 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,3月1日

    If you can create the climate you want in your mind, emotions, and body, then your health, joy, and wellbeing will be taken care of.

    1 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,2月28日

    The very core of the cosmos is stillness and peacefulness. If you are touched by it, everything about you will be transformed.

    1 3 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,2月27日(今天是满月日)

    Only when you confront your mortal nature, the longing to go beyond becomes a genuine force. Otherwise, spiritual process is just entertainment.

    27 2 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,2月26日

    The beauty and grandeur of life is known only to one who is absolutely involved with all that is.

    26 2 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,2月25日

    Hatha Yoga should not be taught as an exercise form but as a live process; then asanas will lead to ecstatic states.

    25 2 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,2月24日

    Stress is not a consequence of a particular situation – it is a consequence of your inability to manage your own system.

    24 2 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,2月23日(今天是断食日)

    Happiness starts with you – not with your relationships, job, or money.

    23 2 月, 2021
  • 每日智慧,2月22日

    As a human being, you should not think about where life will take you. You should only think about where you want to take it.

    22 2 月, 2021