Totally involved but unentangled – this is the quality of the Divine. If you maintain this quality, ultimate liberation will be a natural process.
完全投入但不纠缠——这是神性的品质。如果你保持这种品质,终极解放将是一个自然的过程。 -
If situations do not decide who you are, but you decide how situations should be – that is success.
如果不是情境决定你是谁,而是你决定情境应该如何——那就是成功。 -
Every human being aspires for health and wellbeing. True health fundamentally means to be in tune with nature, both inner and outer.
每个人都渴望健康和幸福。真正的健康从根本上意味着与自然和谐同步,无论内在还是外在。 -
It is the limited identities of race, religion, and nationality which breed conflict and violence.
正是对种族、宗教和国籍的局限性的身份认同,滋生了冲突和暴力。 -
Whatever you have to do right now, do it with absolute involvement. Only then will you know the sweetness of what it means to be conscious.
无论你现在需要做什么,都绝对投入地去做。只有那时,你才会知道“有意识”所意味的甜蜜。 -
When you are able to create yourself the way you want, you can craft your Destiny the way you want as well.
当你能够以你想要的方式创造自己时,你就能以你想要的方式创造你的命运。 -
If you are feeling really pleasant and wonderful, you will have no issues with anyone.
如果你感觉非常愉快和美好,你就不会跟任何人有问题。 -
When you do things habitually, it seems easier, but without conscious action, there shall be No growth.
当你习惯性地做事时,那似乎更容易,但缺乏有意识的行动,就没有成长。 -
Don’t classify people as extrovert or introvert. Every human being has the right to be whichever way they want.
不要把人区分为外向或内向。每个人都有权利成为他们想要成为的样子。 -
In calculation, there is stress and struggle of the mind. In giving, there is joy.
在算计中,会有头脑的压力和挣扎。在给予中,则有喜悦。 -
Indian culture produced phenomenal human beings, because education was not about learning things but enhancing the human being. If human beings are sufficiently enhanced, they are able to learn whatever they want.
印度文化造就了非凡的人,因为教育不是为了学习东西而是为了提升人类。如果人类得到充分的提升,他们就能够学习任何他们想学的东西。 -
When you experience everything as a part of yourself, you are in Yoga. That is liberation, that is mukti, that is ultimate freedom.
当你体验到万物都是你的一部分时,你就是在瑜伽之中。那就是解脱,那就是mukti,那就是终极的自由。 -
May your dreams not come true, may your hopes not be fulfilled, because they are based on what you know. You should explore possibilities that have never been touched or reached before.
但愿你的梦想不成真,但愿你的希望不实现,因为它们只基于你所知道的东西。你应当去探索那些以前从未触及或达到的可能性。 -
Once you are flexible, you are willing to listen; not just to someone’s talk – you are willing to listen to life.
一旦你变得灵活,你就愿意去聆听;不只是听别人的谈话——你愿意去聆听生命。 -
Especially if unpleasant things have happened in your life, you should become wise, not wounded.