If you can transition from wakefulness to sleep consciously, you will also be able to transition from life to death consciously.
如果你能有意识地从清醒过渡到睡眠,你也能有意识地从生过渡到死。 -
Whether it is happiness or unhappiness, pain or pleasure, agony or ecstasy, essentially it happens from within.
无论是快乐或不快乐,痛苦或愉悦,惨痛或狂喜,本质上都是从内在发生的。 -
Whatever you do, just check – is it all about you, or is it for the wellbeing of All. This settles any confusion about good and bad karma.
无论你做什么,只要检查一下——它是为了你自己,还是为了所有生命的福祉。这会解决任何关于好坏业力(karma)的困惑。 -
Once you experience all life forms as a part of yourself, you cannot help but fall in love with everything around you.
一旦你体验到所有生命形式都是你的一部分,你就会禁不住爱上你周围的一切。 -
There is no substitute for a conscious, responsible behavior.
没有什么能够替代有意识的、有责任感的行为。 -
Sankranti and Pongal are about expressing gratitude to everything that makes our life. Go out, feel the air, and celebrate!
丰收节(Sankranti and Pongal)是为了向成就我们生命的一切表达感激。走出去,感受空气,庆祝吧! -
It is time to shed the burdens of the past year and come up fresh and alive.
是时候卸下过去一年的负担,重新振作起来了。 -
Youth is a time of tremendous energy. You should look at the possibilities, not the problems.
青年是一个蕴含巨大能量的时期。你应当看到可能性,而不是问题。 -
If we do not take care of a few fundamentals of environmental sustainability, the price we pay will be very unfortunate.
如果我们不照顾好环境可持续性的一些基本方面,我们付出的代价将是非常不幸的。 -
It is the ability to bring out the best in others that makes you a leader.
是能够激发他人最好一面的能力,使你成为一个领导者。 -
Sanity is not a guarantee. We must hold it as a precious privilege because once you lose it, you have lost all your faculties.
神智清醒并不是一个保证。我们必须把它当作一种宝贵的特权,因为一旦你失去它,你就失去了你所有的能力。 -
As human beings become more empowered, there is a fundamental need for us to become more conscious and responsible, rather than reactive and compulsive.
随着人类变得更有力量,我们就有了一种基本需求,想要变得更有意识和更负责任,而不是被动和强迫。 -
Love is not a transaction but a burning flame within you. When it burns the core of who you are, it is liberating.
爱不是交易,而是你内在燃烧的火焰。当它燃及你所是的核心时,它就让你解脱。 -
If you want to enjoy stillness, you must be super alert. Deathlike stillness is of no value. When you become super alert but still, possibilities open up.
如果你想要享受静止,你必须是超级警醒的。死一般的静止没有价值。当你变得超级警醒而又静止时,各种可能性就打开了。 -
Mysticism is not about performing miracles. Mysticism is a profound exploration of the Miracle of life, which is not perceivable by the five senses.