If you are a sensible human being, you will naturally be loving and inclusive.
如果你是一个明智的人,你自然会有爱和包容。 -
The same energy manifests in a million different ways: as a stone, a tree, an animal, a human being, or in its subtlest form – the Divine.
同样的能量以百万种不同的方式显现:石头、树、动物、人,或以它最精微的形式——神。 -
This year, may all of us have the Courage, Commitment, and the Consciousness to make better Humans of ourselves, and, in turn, a better world.
今年,但愿我们所有人都有勇气、决心和意识去让自己成为更好的人,从而创造一个更好的世界。 -
Your life is a limited amount of time. Only miserable people think it is long. If you are joyful and well, even if you live for a hundred years, it is too little.
你的生命是一段有限的时间。只有痛苦的人觉得它长。如果你喜悦、安好,即使活上一百年,也太短。 -
Attention to the Creator’s creation is more important than the nonsense you make up in your head.
对造物主的创造的关注,比你在头脑中编造的谬论更重要。 -
One important aspect of being successful in whatever you are doing is that you stay dynamic, you do not settle.
无论你在做什么,成功的一个重要方面是你保持活力,不安于现状。 -
If you are looking at life as a possibility, you will see possibilities everywhere. If you are looking at life as a problem, you will see problems everywhere.
如果你把生命看作一种可能性,你会到处都看到可能性。如果你把生命看成是问题,你会到处都看到问题。 -
Everyone deserves a pleasant experience of life. The best gift you can give anyone is to offer them the tools to engineer themselves into joyful human beings.
人都值得拥有愉快的生命体验。你能给别人的最好的礼物,就是为他们提供工具,去把自己打造成快乐的人。 -
In positive dynamic acceptance of life in all its manifestations comes the possibility of a profound life.
积极、灵活地接受生命的一切显化,就有了深刻的生命的可能性。 -
Christ is a possibility in every human being. It needs to be raised. That is not Religion but the Spiritual Process.
基督是每个人内在的一种可能性。它需要被提升。这不是宗教,而是灵性进程。 -
If human beings become conscious, the need for domination and conflict will dissolve.
如果人类变得有意识,对统治和冲突的需要就会消失。 -
If we want to ensure the food security, farming has to be lucrative. Farmer producer organizations will bring the power of scale to the farmer. The way forward.
如果我们想确保粮食安全,务农就必须有利可图。 农民生产者组织将给农民带来规模的力量。发展的方向。 -
Spirituality is not a disability. It is a tremendous empowerment. Unfortunately, in recent times people are peddling incompetence as being spiritual. If you dress badly, if you live badly, and eat badly, you are supposed to be spiritual. This has to change.
灵性不是一种缺陷。它是一种巨大的赋能。不幸的是,近来人们把无能宣扬为灵性。如果你穿得不好,住得不好,吃得不好,你就是灵性的。这必须改变。 -
To forgive does not mean to forget. To forgive means not to carry any bitterness in you, because that destroys your life.
原谅不代表遗忘。原谅意味着你的内在不带一丝怨恨,因为那会毁了你的生命。 -
Your intelligence, your capability, and your competence will find full expression only when you are well balanced within yourself.