Intellect is like a knife – the sharper, the better. When you try to handle every aspect of your life with your intellect, it is like trying to stitch your clothes with a knife.
智力就像一把刀——越锋利越好。当你试图用智力来处理你生命的方方面面时,就像试图用刀来缝衣服。 -
If you have a Global identity, your intellect will function for everyone’s wellbeing. You will not act out of individual ambition but out of a larger vision for everything.
如果你的身份认同是全球性的,你的才智就会为每个人的幸福而运作。你的行动就不会出于个人抱负,而是源于更大的愿景。 -
There is a boundless amount of energy in existence for those who are willing to open their doors.
对那些愿意打开自己的门的人,存在着无限的能量。 -
If we do not build a conscious population, more and more technology means more and more trouble.
如果我们不培养出有意识的人口,越来越多的技术就意味着越来越多的麻烦。 -
Spiritual process is about distancing yourself from your memory. Your memory should be a platform you stand upon to reach out for something higher, not a trap you sink into.
灵性进程就是让你自己远离你的记忆。你的记忆应该是一个平台,让你站在上面去寻找更高的东西,而不是一个让你沉沦的陷阱。 -
Especially when we face hard times, it is all the more important that we remain balanced and focused on what matters to us.
尤其是当我们面对困难时期的时候,保持住平衡、并专注在对我们重要的事情上,就显得更加重要了。 -
There are no words for what mountains can do to a person. Everyone should have some kind of a romance with a mountain – a mountain that challenges you, draws you, makes you submissive by its sheer size, strength, and presence.
没有言语能表达山对一个人的影响。每个人都应该和山有某种爱恋——一座挑战你,吸引你,让你顺服于它那全然的宏伟、力量和存在的山。 -
If we want to establish human rights across the planet, we need to start thinking beyond national boundaries. Everyone should have the same rights and face the same justice system.
如果我们想要在全世界建立人权,我们就需要开始超越国界的思维。每个人都应该享有同样的权利,面对同样的司法制度。 -
The fight against corruption has to start within you, as integrity is an inner quality.
反腐败的斗争必须从你的内在开始,因为正直是一种内在品质。 -
It is in challenging times that human genius and ingenuity unfold.
正是在充满挑战的时代,人类的天赋和创造力得以展现出来。 -
I am not against intoxication. But it should come from an endless source, which can only happen from within.
我不反对陶醉。但它应该来自一个无穷尽的源头,而这只能从内在发生。 -
If you look at life just the way it is, you shall be overwhelmed by its sheer magnitude.
如果你照生命的本来面目去看待它,你会被它的宏大所淹没。 -
Doubt is good – it means you are searching for truth. Suspicion is sickness.